Care After ICU
Walk with Us

MY STORY: This blog is being created as a way to process my ‘life experiences’ that lasted over four years with my husband Carl and as a place where you might be able to find peace and support not only through my story, but of those who may choose to share their own. I am not in the medical field, nor am I offering any medical advise in any capacity. I am simply a woman who is sharing events that happened to us after this ‘volcanic crack’ opened up in our lives. Due to the complex nature of medicine, the industries surrounding medical field, state laws and the human body, what has happened to me might be very different from what you’re going through, so do not rely on my experience to be your truth. If you are walking through some of the same issues, please research to find the answers that are right for you. Rely on what your own doctor and advisors suggest to enable you to move forward. If you need medical advice, consult with a licensed physician. If you are feeling a loss and/or are feeling overwhelmed, speak with your physician, church leadership or a good friend for a referral to a mental health professional because sometimes we just need to be heard.
INFORMATION ARTICLES: Because of where I’ve been, I’ve learned so much and I’ll be sharing it all right here to show you how and what I did to make it all work. These info pages are for general information purposes only and all of it on the site and any mobile app is provided in good faith, however we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of any of the information.
SHARING: CareAfterICU.com cannot be held responsible for any content a user chooses to share which may be offensive to others. All comments are moderated to provide a level of confidence to our readers to prevent this, however, what one person might find offensive, another person might appreciate. The information on this site does not constitute legal, medical, professional advise or even suggestions. The views expressed by guests are their own and their appearance does not imply any endorsement of them or their viewpoints or any entity they may represent.
SITE LINKS: There are three types of links you will see in our blog: AFFILIATE links – BLOG links – OUTSIDE NEWS AND INFORMATION links
AFFILIATE LINKS: These links will take you to products you might need. The majority are those we used ourselves so we stand by them. Reviews will be added for those products we purchased with our own money and used on a regular basis. If you click a product link and make a purchase, we might make a small referral commission at no additional cost to you. This helps us with expenses for running this blog so we thank you in advance.
BLOG LINKS: We might have a link to a different page in our own site that would give you better insight into information we found for you. These are simply there to help you navigate our site.
OUTSIDE LINKS: These links will take you to other information articles or news sites. For example, we are about to add a page with links to each state on how to find information pertaining to death certificates, saving you time at a very emotional moment in your life.
MORE ABOUT OUTSIDE NEWS & INFORMATION LINKS: CareAfterICU.com is not responsible for the content of any site that is linked or any link that is found within that site. An example would be that some state run sites change things… actually they typically do, so if you find a link that doesn’t get you right to the correct topic, just flip us an email. We’ll investigate and correct anything necessary.
SENSITIVE MATERIAL: Throughout our blog you might see photos of Carl over the four years that might be difficult to view by some readers. We have no desire to upset anyone, so we are placing edited photos near the bottom of any given page and promise that you won’t see anything grisly or gruesome.
KEEP IN TOUCH: SUBSCRIBE to receive our news updates! Whether it’s a new story we’ve added or an announcement, you’ll be the first to know.
SPREAD THE WORD: If you’re on any social media sites, take our web address: www.CareAfterICU.com and paste it in a post to help us spread the word about this site. In a sentence or two, tell your friends and followers what we’re about. If you know of someone who is going through their own trauma, share it with them because they may have something to add or they might read something that breaks the chains that trauma can bring.
We are so thankful to all of you who help spread the word and support our work at www.CareAfterICU.com Please note: In order to protect our privacy, names have been changed with the exception of Carl and myself.
KUDOS TO PIXABAY.com: Illustrations and photos other than our own come from Pixabay.com. They are not a sponsor and they are not part of our affiliate program. We simply love and appreciate their site so visit them the next time you need free graphics!